James Joyce, the twentieth century’s
most influential novelist, was born in Dublin on February 2, 1882. The
oldest of ten children, he grew up in a family that went from
prosperity to penury because of his father’s wastrel behavior. After
receiving a rigorous Jesuit education, twenty-year-old Joyce renounced
his Catholicism and left Dublin in 1902 to spend most of his life as a
writer in exile in Paris, Trieste, Rome, and Zurich. On one trip back
to Ireland, he fell in love with the now famous Nora Barnacle on June
16, the day he later chose as “Bloomsday” in his novel Ulysses. Nara
was an uneducated Galway girl who became his lifelong companion an
the mother of his two children. In debt and drinking heavily, Joyce
lived for thirty-six years on the Continent, supporting himself first
by teaching jobs, then trough the patronage of Mrs. Harold McCormick
(Edith Rockerfeller) and the English feminist and editor Harriet Shaw
Weaver. His writings include Chamber Music (1907), Dubliners (1914), A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916), Exiles (1918), Ulysses (1922), Pomes Penyeach (1927), Finnegan’s Wake (1939), and an early draft of A Portrait of a Young Man, Stephan Hero (1944). Ulysses required seven years to complete, and his masterpiece, Finnegan’s Wake, took seventeen. Both works revolutionized the form, structure, and content of the novel. Joyce died in Zurich in 1941.
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